Behind The Mic
Hello my name is James Curran and I’m the host of the Graduate Job Podcast and a graduate career coach. I’ve experienced both sides of the graduate recruitment fence, from applying to and getting a job on a much sought after graduate scheme, through to interviewing prospective graduates and running assessment centres. As a graduate focussed career coach I specialise in helping candidates apply for graduate schemes and graduate jobs, from the initial online application through to the interview and assessment centre prep.
Having interviewed hundreds of applicants I was often surprised at the gap in knowledge between what leading companies expected and the standards of many applicants. I created this podcast to help bridge this gap, to create a resource to not only help people learn the skills of what they need to do to get the job, but also to help them with the question ‘what job should I do?’ I know first-hand how challenging the graduate application process is, the endless online applications, squeezing answers into 100 words or less, getting to grips with video interviews, dropping everything to sneak off for a telephone interview or assessment centre.
As such, with each interview I strive to make sure that the information is both useful and above all practical, as I try to create a resource which I wish I could have had at my disposal when I graduated.

About The Show
The Graduate Job Podcast is a podcast aimed at inspiring graduates and students in their search for the job of their dreams. Each episode we speak to the cream of the world of graduate recruitment, from authors, bloggers, career coaches, entrepreneurs to the graduate recruiters themselves. Put simply, I’ll speak to anyone who can help to give you the edge and motivation you need to succeed on your job hunting journey. Each of the guests come with a different expertise, background, idea and approach to recruitment, and I promise you will learn something new every week!
I want the podcast to be as relevant and interesting as possible and so I’m always looking for feedback from the most important person which is you, the listener!
Let me know what challenges you’re facing as you look for a graduate job, what companies you would like to see on the show or topics you would like me to cover.
Enjoy listening to the episodes, I hope they help on your journey to finding your dream graduate job!