- What beautiful money is and why it is important to finding a graduate job
- How to avoid the ‘Grey Zone’ of feeling just ‘fine’ at work
- Why you shouldn’t take a job out of fear
- The secret to using affirmations to revolutionise your job search
- Why you should think like a CEO as you look for work
- Exactly why you should develop a vision board to help you get a job
- How 20 seconds of pure bravery is all you need to apply for your dream job
- Check out the ‘How to Get a Graduate Job’ step-by-step online course at
- Don’t even think about applying for graduate jobs until you’ve read my free guide, ‘The 5 steps you must take before applying for graduate jobs’. Click here NOW. It will completely change the way you apply for jobs!
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- Beautiful Money – Leanne’s brand new book. Click on the image below to buy NOW from Amazon!
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- Leanne’s book recommendation – Click on the image below to buy NOW on Amazon!
- Leanne’s website recommendation – – The Budgeting App
Transcript – Episode 57 – Beautiful money and your search for a job, with Leanne Jacobs
Announcer: Welcome to the Graduate Job Podcast, your home for weekly information and inspiration to help you get the graduate job of your dreams.
James: Hello and welcome to the Graduate Job Podcast, with your host James Curran. The Graduate Job Podcast is your weekly home for all things related to helping you on your journey to finding that amazing job. Each week I bring together the best minds in the industry, speaking to leading authors, entrepreneurs, coaches and bloggers who bring decades of experience into a byte size weekly 30 minute show. Put simply, this is the show I wish I had a decade ago when I graduated.
This week on the Graduate Job Podcast I am joined by Leanne Jacobs, holistic wealth expert and author of the excellent new book Beautiful Money. Leanne and I delve into her new book and explore exactly what the Beautiful Money concept is and why it is important in helping you find a graduate job. We discuss the epidemic of settling for a job that is ‘fine’, how you can avoid this trap, and tools to help you do so. We explore the secrets to using affirmations, and a vision board, and why these two tactics could revolutionise your approach to finding the job of your dreams. If you have ever been tempted by a job just because it has a nice salary, then this episode is for you. No matter where you are on your jobsearch, and no matter what type of job you are applying to, this is an episode you won’t want to miss. As always, all links to everything we discuss and a full transcript are available in the show notes at Right, let’s head straight over to my chat with Leanne.
James: Before we start though, I want to welcome today’s sponsor which is Career Gym is the number one place for you to undertake all of your psychometric tests which you will face when you apply for a graduate job. You can practice verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning tests all produced by experts, and exactly the same as the ones you will see in the real tests. You can just practice them or you can do them in exam mode, under time pressure, and they come all with detailed explanations and solutions, and you can track your progress and see how you compare against your peers.
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Now, on with the show.
James: I am very pleased to welcome Leanne Jacobs to the show. Leanne is a holistic wealth expert, leadership mentor, clinical nutritionist and pilates and yoga expert to boot and more importantly, for the purposes for today, author of the excellent brand new book ‘Beautiful Money’. Leanne, welcome to The Graduate Job Podcast.
Leanne: Thank you so much for having me.
James: It’s a pleasure and today we are going to delve into your new book ‘Beautiful Money’, links to which you will be able to find in the show notes at Before we start Leanne, would you like to give us a little bit of a background to how you came to write ‘Beautiful Money’ and how you got started from working in sales and marketing; as I know your story is quite pertinent to my listeners who might just be about to embark on their own career themselves.
Leanne: Yeah! It’s such a…to everyone listening congratulations because it’s such a big commitment to decide to become a graduate and also to put off the years of income earning for a little bit until whilst you pursue that degree but for me, I guess you could say that I became addicted to achievement and becoming overly ambitious at the expense of other areas of my life. So I tried to do everything all at once and did my undergrad, did my MBA, fulltime for Johnson and Johnson, was married at the time, ran marathons and it was a pretty crazy pace but my challenge was that I never really slowed the pace down ever, I lost connection with what exactly it was I wanted; it was almost like I was achieving just for the sake of achieving. I never really took a moment to get clear with what I really wanted to do not just mentally, but what made me happy and fulfilled and connected. So for me, that happened in my late 20’s, I started on my own path to discovering beautiful money and how to create it.
James: And what do you mean by beautiful money when you use that term, which is also the title of your book, like I mentioned earlier?
Leanne: Yes, so it’s the path to a much more harmonious aligned and joyful relationship with money and about how to create a lifestyle that is really authentically you and were you are feeling like you are living from a place of truth. We all want to be successful but how is it that we can create a more meaningful relationship with money and as we are on that pursuit for success for the great job or the great company we want to start, how can we really stay mindful of keeping other areas of our life in check as well and making sure we are living in accordance to our greatest values.
James: It’s interesting you mentioned that, as a lot of the people that I coach, money is such a big driver when it comes to thinking about the jobs they want to do and when you see people in the world that there may be something they have a calling for but they may be swayed by an extra, something as little as an extra five or ten thousand pounds a year to a job that they might not be happy with but it’s just for that extra lure of the money at the beginning.
Leanne: Oh totally, and we’ll all be tested with forks in the road, when a little more money will be dangled in front of us but if we step back and look back. Sometimes it’s tempting to make the short term decision, however I’ve found that making the decision based on the long term good is usually a better call and even if we do take a job that is an extra five thousand pounds typically by the end of the year we won’t have much more to show for it, we won’t be any further ahead, that’s in my experience; I just would spend a little bit more and that money would be gone.
James: Yep! Definitely, the rat race of earning more and spending more. So how then thinking about the beginning of people’s careers how can they begin to think authentically about what would be more of an authentic calling for them to do?
Leanne: So I think the first step is really having a conversation with yourself that…if you treat yourself as a CEO from the beginning of your own life and your own destiny, I feel like that’s really helpful, as you end up, from my leadership perspective, you end up making smarter decisions and really knowing your worthiness. But on the marketing end of it there is a posture about you that is going to be much more appealing to the people you meet with, to the corporations, or whatever your choice of employment is, there’s going to be an energy around you and a confidence and a posture that is going to give you a lot of options. So I feel like the book really talks about the inner confidence and the goal of acting as if, and being the CEO before the money even comes but also from a marketing standpoint, I am not compromising and I am treating my life with excellence and then you can really market yourself that way as well and become extremely appealing to those people who need your services and need your expertise and your genius.
James: I like that analogy, just as a CEO would do when they start up a company, they’ll forgo the easy money in the beginning to build something that is going to be more sustainable long term as they go forward.
Leanne: And sometimes it’s hard as we get a little desperate and we compromise because we are afraid, and again, we make choices out of fear. I did this, I took a job because I was afraid as I was like ‘what if I don’t get another one?’ and even though the recruiter I used at the time said ‘Leanne don’t take the job if it’s just because you’re afraid there won’t be another one, there will be’ and I did it anyway. Sometimes you have to walk your own path but I was taking the job out of a place of fear which never really ends up being long term sustainable. So I think sometimes we just have to trust that there’s not just one option.
James: I like in the book how you term it your ‘starvation period’, can you delve into this just a little bit more about the emotions you were feeling at this point in your life?
Leanne: Yeah, so I became somebody who was kind of just living from the head and forgetting that the heart was really at the centre so I ended up feeling like I didn’t really have any passions. All of my time was focused on productivity or training or making money that was it. If it wasn’t productive, I didn’t do it. And that came at a great cost because not only was I emotionally tuned off but I was completely disconnected and grounded so that lead to other areas and issues which for a lot of people it will come out in a different way, often times through addiction, and that for me became an addiction to food and addiction to work. I knew that something was off and my body was trying to tell me that it was out of alignment but I’m a little bit of a slow learner so it took me a bit of a while. But often times our body will give us very clear signals that are subtle in the beginning but if we stay in a place that is out of alignment then it will get louder with time.
James: Ah definitely, and I’ve seen the term there ‘the grey zone’ and I’ve definitely been in jobs were it is just grey and you’re not there for the right reasons and it’s not helping you either physically or emotionally. But you just carry on because it’s easy to carry on, as you describe in the book society is suffering from an epidemic of ‘fine’; it’s okay, it’s not too bad.
Leanne: Absolutely and I love that it’s true and we are sort of settling as a society and we are losing a little bit of that burning desire and that passion for going after what we really want.
James: You talk about instead of chasing money, creating wealth; could you explain for the listeners what you mean by this?
Leanne: It’s creating and making money in a place of alignment, were you are in action and you are working with excellence but you are also making decisions that are very mindful and clear and so you are haemorrhaging a lot less waste and a lot less energy for greater results. There is a lot more flow that happens when you move from this place and a big piece of it is getting really clear on what it is that you desire. So for careers, for example, getting extremely clear on what it is you do want and as specific as possible and with pictures if possible is really helpful because the more you can do to really focus your mind on exactly what you want then you’ll be less likely to compromise for something that is mediocre or fine.
James: So thinking then in terms of practicalities, so imagine I’ve just finished graduate school and I’m looking for work so you recommend looking at the goals and the specific whys of what it is I want to do?
Leanne: Yeah, so I would put together a little bit of an action plan that…I’m a big advocate of seeking people who can help you and so finding someone who is where you want to be. This is why you have got to get someone who is clear first otherwise you are going to just chase and say yes to everything and there won’t be any purpose behind that so when you are really clear behind what exactly it is you want then the rest is pretty easy. Find somebody who is where you are and interview them and ask them for help. Find out, maybe, what you need to do or who you need to connect with to get there, it would be of great service. I would find somebody who was leaps and bounds beyond where I was and I would find out what I needed to know; what am I missing? I would pick their brain and find out if there was a way that I could somehow mentor with them. Start building a network, this is huge, right? It’s really important to create a network of likeminded people or to find a network of likeminded people that you guys are all helping each other. That was really helpful for me as well and connecting with people who are where I wanted to be. That really helped me a lot because often time they want you to learn from maybe, some of their mistakes and they really do…the mentors I’ve reached out to, most of them have been extremely genuine and generous with their wisdom and their interest in supporting me. And then it’s really important today to brand yourself according to what you desire. So that is important, even for creating a book and writing a book, it is important too. They will google you and check your social media out so I think that that’s really important because we want to create a network but today it’s pretty amazing how there is so much more we can do on our own to brand ourselves and to develop our leadership, just through the use of the internet.
James: Yes and as you mentioned with the networking it’s so easy now and you can bypass gatekeepers who are traditionally there by interacting with people on twitter and email and linkedin and simple things like that and you can just have access to people that 10/20 years ago, you just wouldn’t have had.
Leanne: Yeah or starting a podcast in something that interests you. I’ve found that if it’s something you’re passionate about you will find that the stars start to align to support you and I feel like you know when you’re off track, when everything just feels exhausting and forcing and tense, that’s usually a little bit of a sign. So to find that flow, it’s not just action that will be required but it’s your motions that will give you some signals that you are moving in the right direction.
James: And with the visioning, you talk about the use of vision boards, describe what these are and why they’re important?
Leanne: So I’ve always used them and one of the things that it really important is that our mind really does think in pictures and I’ve used this for 20 years almost and it’s, be very crystal clear on what you want and then use photos and images, as that’s really going to help your mind focus on helping you get what you desire. Why it’s really important is that the subconscious is really programmable and images are a fast way to programme and when you’re sleeping your subconscious is still working so the reason why I love vision boards is that even if I think that I’m not thinking consciously, then even my eyes see the pictures and its helping my subconscious. And when I’m sleeping it’s still working towards what I’m creating and what it’s seen on that vision board. So even if in the beginning it’s like, I’ve found that people that I’ve worked with that have been a little against it, if you want to be on the fast track in a aligned way and you want to see what universal speed is like you need to create a vision board. It’s just a must. Even if a lot of people are like ‘well I know in my mind what I want so what’s the point?’ and often times I would say ‘it’s going to cost you 10 to 20 years, it’s slowing down your path by not having one’.
James: I did one recently actually, so I’ve got one up of a, in the house, of all the places I want to travel to in the next couple of years and it’s good to get it all down and look at it, nice glossy pictures cut out of magazines and the likes, it does give you a bit of a boost when you feel a bit lazy and don’t want to get involved doing some things.
Leanne: Absolutely, and once you’ve kind of completed your board and it’s sort of a science too, once you start understanding how it works and practising it, I like to make a new one every year.
James: That’s a good idea, I did it on my birthday actually so I’ll make sure that on my birthday next year I’ll update it…
Leanne: You should do, that’s great!
James: You talked about the subconscious there and I think a lot of people in their choices of job and whether they know it or not, comes down to the opinions and thoughts of their parents and often some of their peers as well. How can people begin to unpick this unconscious conditioning that they’ve probably got about, they need to get a job as a doctor or a lawyer or accountant or whatever it is and follow a more authentic path?
Leanne: I think as we mature we will evolve out of that, for me I studied engineering mainly because when I was in high school my career coach said ‘look at the average salary from this career and you’ll always have a job’ and that’s why I picked engineering. It was completely not aligned with what my gifts were but I forced my way through it and it was extremely clear that it wasn’t meant for me to be an engineer but I tried to force my way because the outside was like ‘that’s so great, you’re doing engineering’ and my parents were so proud of me. But at one point it just felt so out of alignment and it takes some courage, for sure, but I think it’s like what’s the point of living miserably. This is not a rehearsal. We don’t get time back and I think the more I made that a priority I only have one shot and with the time I have I’m going to courageously make my choices from a place of leadership, and I’m okay, I’m not afraid to fail and that’s one thing too, what’s the worst that’s going to happen? For me it’s like if I try a different programme that’s more in line with what I love what’s the worst that can happen?
James: That’s a brilliant way to look at it. I love the quote you have in the book about ‘all you need is 20 seconds of pure bravery to commit yourself to do it’ and you only have to have a really short amount of bravery to that step forward.
Leanne: Yep, and then it’s like, there’s no going back now (laughs) I made the decision and you’ll find that having people around you that are really supportive, you don’t need a lot, just one or two who are really supportive and truly want you to thrive, having a couple of people like that will help you on the days were you feel like regressing.
James: Yeah, if you are young and you’re not tied down with kids or mortgages you can go for that career or job that is going to excite you as opposed to something that is a bit dull because a few years down the line it’s not going to make any difference. I remember a friend of mine, she spent four years traveling the world and teaching in all different parts of the world and I remember at the time thinking ‘I’ve got my graduate job and I’m earning good money and I’m living in London’ and at the end of the four years since I was earning quite a lot, I was always spending quote a lot as London is an expensive place to live and I probably had even less to show for it at the end of four years of drudgery and commuting than she had in after four years of traveling and visiting the world and I was the one who was wishing that I had done what she had done.
Leanne: It is definitely easier to make those choices when we don’t have responsibilities so that’s one of the things that helps me make my choices because do it now because I don’t have any responsibilities and it’s really a good time to do that and I work with a lot of people who still make those amazing courageous decisions when they have a family but there are more fears involved for sure and then it takes a lot more courage to take those leaps.
James: No definitely. You talk in the book about the four pillars, could you describe for listeners what these are and why they are important?
Leanne: So one of the big foundations behind ‘Beautiful Money’ is living in accordance and making choices from what I call your four pillars. So four core values, your most sacred values because if you make your choices from that place you will feel more in alignment and you will tend to make choices that are not only healthier for you physically but financially. So as an example, one of my four pillars is health and during my 20s I was making all my decisions for money and career and I wasn’t taking care of myself. So when, that’s completely out of alignment, so it’s because that’s not based on a foundation of true for you, in the long run its not sustainable, it will break down. So when we have one of our pillars that is most important to us, like if family is a huge pillar for us but we never see our family because all we do is work we are going to feel a sense of loss and grief and so the exercise is really about number one identifying what those are and then with time learning how to make choices by prioritising those pillars. And careers as well, sometimes we may take a career that may pay a little less but it’s like two minutes from our house and it has way more flexible hours. Flexibility and freedom may help make a career choice over another five thousand pounds a year.
James: How can listeners begin to identify what their four pillars really are for them?
Leanne: Well a lot of the time it’s when you’re a little peaceful and quiet and taking a pause. Go for a run or walk or yoga class or workout and it’s like what brings me joy? What am I doing when I feel most joyful? Like for me I need freedom. I need freedom to feel happy. I need to feel like I am free to travel the world, that I can work from anywhere and I have known that because every time I make a choice that doesn’t have the freedom I feel miserable. So I have learnt to accept that and know that, that is just who I am. So I will always look at is freedom involved when I am faced with a decision especially for business or career opportunities because even if it brings a lot of money it is not worth it if I am not happy and I won’t do a great job if I am inauthentic.
James: The analogy that you had that resonated was that as a yoga instructor, as I mentioned, the option has been there to start your own yoga studio but then you knew you’d enjoy it but then you’d be tied down so you wouldn’t have one of the pillars of freedom being fulfilled. So it’s always that watching balance and making sure that it is actually, not on a superficial level but it’s going to be one of the pillars is working for you at all levels.
Leanne: Right, and for me I love yoga and I still want to own a studio, it’s working towards that ability to own one without having to physically be there, for me. It’s like I’m going to make it happen. It just has to be at the right time and when I have enough leverage to make that happen.
James: How can people balance the desire to create wealth, so wanting to be wealthy to give them the opportunity to do things, without it being chasing money? So how can, say if someone wanted one of their pillars as to be wealthy, how can they balance that?
Leanne: So I think it comes down to knowing our net worth is important, like we might not need to make a ton of money to be wealthy and financially free. I have a friend who, freedom is his key pillar, and he just wants to travel for a living and so he figured out how much he needed every week to be able to pay his expenses, I mean he doesn’t have a family so rent and food and other expenses for health insurance and stuff like that, but for him he figured out how much he needed a week and he’s leveraged the internet field to make that. In my mind he is completely wealthy because he isn’t tied to time and he travels the world and he does what he loves and he’s completely happy and money is coming in when he’s sleeping. So, but he was very clear on how much he needed. So that’s where the clarity piece comes in and knowing how much would I need to feel happy and fulfilled and what, some people have a number of what they’d like to have in their bank account so that they can sleep peacefully, and that was something for me, I know my personality and having a certain amount in my bank account so that when I sleep at night it makes me feel happy and it makes me feel safe and secure. But being clear on that is important and I don’t think it really necessarily matters what the exact number is but what do you want your net worth to be? How much income do you want in the bank? What are your current expenses? And again if you are graduating with student debt making it a priority to set your freedom goals, put in your calendar, even if it’s a couple of years down the road, when your debt will be paid off. That’s important because you are creating clarity and you are also feeling more in control of your money. Versus ‘I have debt, student debt’ and just feeling victimised from it and then 10 years later still having the debt whereas if you say ‘I’m not letting this run my whole life here is the date I will have it paid off and lets think about creative ways I can fast track paying this debt off’ .
James: I do really enjoy that chapter of the book and just going back to your friend traveling, I went about that experiment myself and the figure you realise you actually need to travel around like that, especially if you are traveling around parts of the world that are cheaper, it’s a lot lower than you think. You don’t actually have to earn that much to live that lifestyle of traveling and visiting nice places and living like that.
Leanne: Yeah, and I have a friend who is doing that with her family. She has sold her assets and traveling because for her that is beautiful money. It is creating experiences for her family and she lived for four months in Mexico for the same amount of money that she could basically live for a week in Canada and for her that was a choice that led to beautiful money for her family. So that’s really what the book is about, it’s not always just about making more money, it’s about having clarity around what do you want and being excellent with your money is important in the book, and the book talks about that but it’s also about getting clear with what you want, what are your key goals, what is your income goal for the year, what is your net worth, what do you want your net worth to be and then making your choices based on what your values are. And getting in the habit of doing that and the amazing opportunities and cash flow that will come your way is really stunning.
James: And unfortunately time is running away with us but one final question before we move to the weekly staple questions. You talk in the book about the use of affirmations which is something that I’ve tried in the past but I have sort of difficulty doing if I’m self-conscious or I’m out running around London trying to say these affirmations out loud and things. Can you describe to listeners what these are and why they are important?
Leanne: Yeah, so it doesn’t have to be something that is, it can be practical like I’m a very practical person, and so an example for me is, I tended to say yes to everything. So what I realised was, no wonder I’m not making more money or having greater opportunities because there is no space for that, I was filling it all up with things that maybe I should have graduated from so I realised that I compromise and I settle because I was over…people pleasing and being liked was overly important, in an unhealthy way for me. So an affirmation for me was usually ‘you deserve the best’ and it seems very simple but I put that on my computer screen, like it was just a little sticky note, and I put it on my computer screen and every time I got a request for something or an email for something or something that wasn’t super positive, it was just a reminder for what I was committed to. No settling, no compromising and so that was how I used it and because I saw it so many times during the day I sort of grew into, they are tools, affirmations are tools until you get to that place where you don’t need them. In the beginning to retrain, it’s about programming your body, your head may be like ‘you deserve the best’ but your body might be just not there yet so the affirmation is really helpful in the beginning when you don’t really believe it and then the more you use it and the repetition of seeing it, the goal is you get to that place where you don’t need it. Think of an area in your life where you may be compromised or negotiate your boundaries or undervalue yourself or something that is a pattern in your life that is leaning to results that are not exactly what you desire. That is…put that area and then create, just even a sentence, that is what you truly desire and then the more you can look at that the more it can help you and you can get to that place where you truly believe it.
James: Excellent, that’s a lovely point for us to finish on. So moving Leanne onto the weekly staple questions, what is one book you would suggest to our listeners that they should check out?
Leanne: It’s sort of a toss between ‘The seven habits of highly effective people’ and ‘The Big Leap’ by Gay Hendricks.
James: Ohh, I’ve tried several times to try and get into ‘The seven habits of highly effective people’ but I can never get beyond the first chapter, it’s something I really need to try…so not that effective! ‘The Big Leap’, I’ve not heard of that one. What’s that one about?
Leanne: It’s amazing! It’s amazing , by Gay Hendricks. It’s sort of how we sort of self-sabotage ourselves out of greatness and we don’t even notice we are doing it.
James: Oh, I think I need to read that one, that sounds great and listeners everything we have discussed today and of course the full transcript will be available with the show notes on And the next question Leanne, what internet resource would you point our listeners towards?
Leanne: There’s a great budgeting app that Mint uses, that I find can be helpful to track spending. Especially for students and graduates, obviously we are moving towards greater cash flow but a lot of students are also managing student debt so they have a great budgeting app and in the book I also have a time tracker that is really helpful, sorry a money tracker, for a week where you will just track your spending and I think that’s really helpful just to become mindful of where your money is going, so those are two.
James: Ah, excellent, budgeting is important, not the most exciting thing but it does make such a difference when you actually sit down and realise how much you’ve been spending on eating out, it certainly does add up. And finally Leanne, what one tip would you give our listeners that they can implement today on their job search?
Leanne: So one would be to write down exactly the job and position you want. Exactly. If it’s a company, who you’re working for, what you do, describe it. Describe it to me so that I would see you there already. That is the most important. Secondly when it comes to money, automate some savings, so set up an automatic savings account, even if it’s $20 a week, it doesn’t really matter what the number is, it’s the energy and the commitment of doing it and it’s really directing the energy into the place of creating your wealth account. So that’s something sometimes we don’t do as we are like ‘Oh, I’ll wait until I get out of debt’ but doing it now, even if it’s just $10 a week or £10 a week that is going to make a huge difference.
James: I completely agree and you do get used to it when it’s set up and it’s there. You don’t even notice it’s going, so great advice there. Leanne it’s been such a pleasure having you on the show, I’ve really really enjoyed your book. As we were talking before we started recording, there is some things I’ve put into action and are really making a difference so I just want to say thank you for coming on the show. What’s the best way for listeners to get in touch with you and the work that you do?
Leanne: So they can go to and that is all the information on the book and myself and connecting with me as well.
James: Excellent and I’ll link to that in the show notes. Leanne thank you so much for appearing on The Graduate Job Podcast.
Leanne: Thank you for having me.
James: Many thanks again to Leanne, I really enjoyed our chat. A different type of episode, one to get you thinking about what exactly you want from a job, from you career, from your life. You will spend more time working than doing anything else, more time with your work mates than you will with family or friends, so you want to make sure that you doing something you enjoy. Not something that’s ‘fine’, or not too bad. But something which you enjoy, because life is too short not to. Definitely check out her book Beautiful Money, the links to it can be found in the show notes at along with all the links and a full transcript.
If you’re new to the show there are 56 other brilliant episodes for you to enjoy, so get on over to and check them out. The ‘Start Here’ page up at the top is the place to go as it has all of the episodes listed there. If you’ve enjoyed the show reach out and let me know, I’m on Twitter at @gradjobpodcast. All that is left is to say thank you for listening, I know you have an unlimited choice of where to spend your time, and I really appreciate you choosing to spend it with me. I hope you enjoyed the show today, but more importantly, I hope you use it, and apply it. See you next week.