Latest Episodes

Episode 129: 28 Graduate recruitment mistakes, with Brian Sinclair

Hello and welcome to the 129th episode of the UK’s number 1 career podcast, and I’ve got a very special episode for you today. Joining me back on the show by popular demand is graduate recruitment expert and best-selling author...

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What is a Foundation Degree and What Are They For?

Sponsored post from our friends over at Regent College London. There’s a lot more to higher education (HE) than bachelor’s degrees and postgraduate study beyond. In fact, when you look into the study and qualification options available post-18, you...

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Episode 128: How to get a job with Wizz Air

For the 128th episode of the Graduate Job Podcast, I speak with a leading low-cost airline Wizz Air, as they discuss their graduate and non-graduate job opportunities. If you are interested in a graduate job where you aren’t going...

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Episode 127: How Sam got a graduate job with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)

For the 127th episode of the Graduate Job Podcast, I speak with a listener of the show Sam, as he shares how he secured his dream graduate job with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Sam signed up for the...

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Episode 126: Graduate entrepreneurship, with Michael Tefula

Hello and welcome to the 126th episode of the UK’s number 1 career podcast, and I’ve got a very special episode for you today. Joining me back on the show by popular demand is serial entrepreneur and author Michael...

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Episode 125: How to get a graduate job with Inspiring Interns

Welcome to the second show of the year, and episode 125  of the UK’s number 1 career podcast, and I’ve got a special episode for you today. Joining me on the show is a company that you are going...

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